Comp Alliance Members Registration

Welcome to Comp Academy member registration. Please fill out the form below; all fields are required.

Trouble submitting the form?


Please ensure you enter the email in all lowercase. If you receive the error, “You are not allowed to register with this email address” please contact the Comp Alliance to confirm that your email is in our system.


Password strength is determined by more than the required characters, but also by analyzing any patterns used. Passwords with sequential numbers, starting the password with a capital, or common dictionary words can cause the password to read as weaker. The password “1correct-HORSE-battery-staple” is harder for a computer to guess than “Tr0ub4ador&3” which uses several common patterns.

For any other issues, email us here.


A strong password is required with at least 8 characters. To make it stronger, use both upper and lower case letters, numbers, and symbols.